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EWS has once again turned to the old school and reinstated 18 stored Class 37s to traffic to cover Sandite workings over the forthcoming leaf fall season. They join 13 other Class 37s recently returned to traffic from store for Sandite work. Just how long this practice of resurrecting locomotives each year for this short period of active duty remains to be seen, but for now long may the old order continue.

Both 37890 & 37798 at Margam both having received repainted front ends


37717 inside Margam being re-instated after a spell in storage inside Canton

They work as either light engines, with Sandite - a sticky paste that aids adhesion for trains with disc brakes - carried in a hopper inside the locomotive, or by top-and-tail locomotives with water cannon wagons in between. The ‘37s’ returned to the Sandite pool are 37174, 37216, 37308/375, 37419, 37503/517, 37668/675/684/692, 37706/707/ 710/717/798, 37890/896. All were in the tactical reserve pool - a fleet of locomotives kept in operational condition that EWS can reinstate relatively easily for traffic increases or short-term dedicated contracts such as this.

37684 seen outside Cardiff Canton

37694 on October 17th 2004

4Click here for more Class 37 haulage action


Copyright © 2004 by Mark Gowing.  All rights reserved.
Revised: 01 Jan 2005 00:15:48 -0000.